Audi variant management

Constantly increasing requirements concerning model variety, innovation cycles and market specifics makes the creation of the operating manuals (BA) of a vehicle a real challenge. At Audi, a sophisticated variant management with extensive integration tests serves to tackle these challenges.

Variant Management

Despite the XML format and modularized content, the creation of the  manual has become increasingly time-consuming and confusing. Due to many, sometimes only small differences many modules had to be maintained redundantly.

Therefore, DOSCO developed a variant management together with Audi. It allows the marking of all document elements, from chapter to list item, with predefined validity specifications according to target market, model variant, target language and time of use. This allowed the elimination of redundant content.

To create concrete BA for specific models, target markets and -languages, a filter program evaluates the validity specifications accordingly.

Integration Tests

The assignment and maintenance of the validity information is a demanding task. Are there contradictions? Do all cross-references still have a target after each filtering? Does every filtering  contain all the necessary document elements?


This and more must always be kept in mind by the editor. To support him/her, DOSCO has developed extensive test functions that recognize incorrect constellations and report them to the editor.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us!